

Denuncian a un pescador en Indonesia que retiene a mamíferos marinos para que los turistas los fotografíen

Dos amigos que buceaban en las Molucas septentrionales en Indonesia se encontraron una terrible escena en una pequeña isla de pescadores, un pescador ataba a los mamíferos para que puedan hacerles fotos . Los jóvenes denunciaron la situación ante las autoridades que en cuestión de días tomaron cartas en el asunto.

Found this poor creature tied up near Kokoya Island, Morotai during surface interval ( This Dugong was captured, tied up, and caged with insufficient food. We saw its tail and nose hurt, wounded by trying to get out. We've approached the fisherman who captured it and asked him to release it. He said he would, however because we only spent an hour in that island, we doubt he really released it because he seemed unwilling. Even if this stressed dugong is finally released, we're not sure it could survive in its own. So for anyone who knows someone who works at a conservation please forward this post to help handle this situation concerning dugong is categorized as an endangered species. There are two dugongs captured. The one in the picture is bigger and tied up. The other one is smaller but only caged, not tied. Please HELP.. #savedugong #saveendangeredspecies #morotai #diver #diving #scubadiver #scubadiving #diverslife #saltwater

Una foto publicada por Galuh Riyadi (@galuhriyadi) el 12 de Mar de 2016 a la(s) 10:50 PST

El pescador cobraba 80 centavos de dólar por verlos y 12 dólares por tomarse fotos.

